Sunday, September 1, 2024

Breaking News

 BREAKING NEWS: Six Israelite hostages were brutally murdered by the notorious Hamas. Their bodies found under the tunnel in Gaza.

On October 7, 2023 while Music Festival was being held in Israel and thousands of participants and viewers were enjoying the event when suddenly a forceful entrance of the terrorist group Hamas had brought unspeakable rage and violence. It was a violent carnage of murderous rampage without remorse for the living, they don't care about the old people or the young children, they killed, molested and raped women and abducted so many of them.

The horrendous act of violence by those terrorists are unforgiven and yet ceasefire was agreed upon because of the pleas from the families of the abductees. They want their loved ones returned to them as soon as possible.

WAR broke out between the Israelis and Hamas. Non-stop firing, bombing and manhunt for the Hamas and their collaborators in Gaza and Rafah. Gaza had become war torn city as soon as the Gazans had evacuated their homeland. Those who didn't evacuate or did not listen to the warning were part of the casualty. 

A month from now is the horrible one year anniversary of the brutal, murderous rampage of terrorism that affected every Jewish people in Israel and the Jewish community in Canada & United States of America. Until now justice hasn't been done. 

How many hostages are still under the brutal hands of Hamas? Are they dead or still alive? How long will it take for another ceasefire?

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