Wednesday, September 18, 2024


 Oh, know what? JD Vance is from Ohio. So, is it from him the origin of the dog and cat eating Haitians rather Haitians eating dogs and cats? Whatever!  Or is that from an episode of THE SIMPSON's.

Why so many millions of people reacted to such part of the debate. When there are too many statements that are made from such debate. Like MAGA - Make America Great Again. That's everything GOOD. Trump doesn't have to have details of them simply because it's about business and Economics. But you know people would rather hear and know before hand but educated voters knew that it is no the right time.

TRUMP'S first order of task is to STOP THE WARS between Ukraine & Russia. Because that very long war is the cause of HIGH INFLATION & HIGH COST OF LIVING everywhere around the world.

Unlike the wars during the Desert Storms, Iraq war, Afghan wars, etc. all those wars USA was in great standing with the whole world. Well because THE REPUBLICANS are the ones in command.

This is what the true real politics. When the Republicans are in the relax mode, the Democrat leader had to take over. However when Democrats failed the tasks Republican has to work to redeem the whole United States of America. Look you cannot be "invaded by 11 MILLION UNDOCUMENTED illegal IMMIGRANTS." That's a great risk to democracy.

11 MILLIONS. Don't tell me you are to use them for election process? That's unlawful. That's illegal and against the Constitution. 

Even in any other countries in the world. Using illegal immigrants for the electoral process is deemed demonic.

Anyway, according to Pope Francis, VOTE FOR LESSER EVIL.

Oh really, is this part of the sequel to ANGELS & DEMONS?

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


 What the hell is happening in the US? OMG! Another assassination attempt on former POTUS Donald Trump. How many psychos are out there?

Then JD Vance and Elon Musk had asked questions that millions of people also had in their minds.

Is there a conspiracy theory? We don't know. I don't know. 

Why TRUMP is always the target? What the man had done to those assassins? What made them mad and furious to do something psychotic? What is the true real reason? 

The FBI Agents and Agency should do their tasks efficiently to find that out. At least the assassin was caught and they could get answers. 

There was a television series UNDECLARED WAR wherein the agents have to go undercover through the darkest webs through the internet and they also set up internet chat relay wherein they can search over hundreds to thousands who had links or connections to certain extremist groups. 

WATCH OUT! Parents should supervise their kids on who the strangers they are chatting through the net. Psychos are everywhere now.

Monday, September 16, 2024



Horror/Suspense/Thriller Movie

This movie is so gross! How the hell this movie can make your stomach turned upside down. Vomit if you want to vomit.

For those humans who are for the love of abortions... think about this demonic rituals of the cannibalism that you thought never existed. Fiction? Who knows?

For those who love pickled fetus!

For those who love abortions... maybe they were actually "manananggal."

They usually fly on top of the roof of the house of the expectant mothers who are about to give birth. Waiting patiently for their next victim. 

Sunday, September 15, 2024


 GAME THEORY - theory dealing with conflict in which alternative strategies are formally analyzed and used in the analysis of OLIGOPOLY.

ELECTION is the formal process of choosing leaders through VOTES by legal and registered voters. Their votes are legally counted. The sanctity of their votes are their voices VOX POPULI VOX DEI.

When one Political Party still doesn't air their plans or agenda or still remain secret that's their strategic plan for the opposing party not to copy. It's more like a game of chess when you don't divulge your plans because the opponents are still seating in power. Yeah, there's a good reason for that. 

Is that good or bad? BOTH. But educated people can understand. Politics is usually dirty. Yup too messy. Some parties could have those plans blurted out again and again , those promises made to be broken.

Once seated all those plans are not to be mentioned and forgotten. Plans they cannot make or they have no budget, no means to do it and plans not approved by the Adjustment Bureau and not approved by Congress.

ELECTIONS and its long procedure could be very costly. By the time those elected officials sit at the House of Power, their campaign budget is almost gone.

Sometimes those plans were cut short because of the Mother Nature's calamity and disaster and other complicated issues. Facts of life. Human and Non-Human resources are limited and scarce. Think about that. 

Saturday, September 14, 2024



Really?! How shock are you?

That's nothing ordinary in Third World Country. They eat dogs and cats. They eat snakes and crocs. They eat locust, crickets and bugs as ordinary meals. In the television show Amazing Race contestants have to endure eating live worms and live bugs or maggots on cheese. That's yucky!! HORRIBLE!

What so shocking for them in Third World Countries are the violence in schools where students kill their own kind. They can own assault rifles and murdered school children and their teachers. Recently, shopping malls are now visible for those lunatics on rampage. 

How many BREAKING NEWS ABOUT THIS SAME VIOLENCE IN SCHOOLS & SHOPPING MALLS? Too many. It's like every year. How many psychos are out there?

In a country where crazy humans will assassinate their own presidents. That is what is so shocking in America. Those crazy humans who had assassinated Abraham Lincoln, JFK Sr.. attempted assassination on Reagan and failed attempts on Trump. Sure there is no place for violence in America but how the hell that happened?

TONE DOWN THE RHETORIC the only solution?

TRUMP ONLY blurted out funny jokes about those who eat dogs and cats! Is that crazy? There are humans who eat dogs and cats!! 

Have you seen humans who ate dead people? 

"ALIVE the movie" watch for it and find out for yourself. It's a TRUE STORY.

They thought that Trump was delusional. All the hurtful comments they inflict on that former US President. How disrespectful of them. That's why in schools they don't respect their own teachers. Teachers & professors are afraid to teach in schools and university because some Americans showed no respect for their elders. They allowed such inhuman retaliation, ridicule and inflamed racist remarks on anyone whom they hate or dislike. RACISM, BULLYING so rampant everywhere. They thought that's their rights. Never in the History of United States of America where they persecuted and humiliated their once President of the United States. You didn't persecute Nixon that much. Americans didn't humiliate and ridicule Clinton for messing up the oval office. 

Are Americans too BIAS? Why watch him on TV. Why those neurotic television host, hostess and news anchorwomen and men have to show Trump every time on TV Networks if they hate him. Know why? Tell me why. They are so sick! If they hate that person they should just quit, resign from those TV Networks. JUST STOP TALKING ABOUT HIM. Oh, I know because your television networks will flop without any Trump News.

WHITE people... they thought are racists. There are too many people of colors who are bigots, racists and bullies! You don't have to be blind to know that. Use your brains. It's not about black or white. Just that some humans are real BAD. It runs in their genes to be bad.

For the group of White people who are "White Supremacy" or belong to the NAZI, they are NAZI sometimes when they think they can get away with it. Please try harder. Maybe cover your blonde hairs. Because one of these days you'll be on trial and lightning will just strike you and your house. 

Hey don't wanna wish for that. Just that blondies should watch out! Try to be good and better than who you are because too many are watching your moves. The way you drive, the way you talk, how your stories intertwine, how your thoughts are. All been studied in the past through and turned into Psychology Book. Stereotyping the blondies. That's why Elizabeth Taylor dyed her blonde hair black! They found out that most blondes are capable of murder. 

Yeah, peeps, color your hair black.


 Know what? CANADA has BYELECTION don't know for sure when is the official voting date. Maybe the earlier possible if there is non-confidence reactions from political parties and from true real Canadians.

My only wish for Canadians to EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE FOR THE BEST CANDIDATE. Somebody who will work and serve for the good of all Canadians, Permanent Residents, Legal Immigrants and not for the best of other countries and their people because they have their own leaders. You don't have to be the Messiah to serve and work for the Canadian Government.

FIRST PRIORITY  for a PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA is to think, work, and serve the people within his country CANADA. 

Prioritize about other country is... who are you? Go and live in that country. Replace the President of that country and work there. 

Can you just imagine if President Marcos of the Philippines who were voted by the Filipinos and prioritize his work on serving the Chinese in China? Not funny.

Well, that's what I meant with some leaders who are working and serving other countries and their people while his own people in his own country suffered and struggled from high inflation and high falutin cost of living for the past 4 years!! HIGH COST OF FOODS... where millions rely on Food Banks. The incredible unaffordable housing that many of Canadians are homeless. 

Well so many of those politicians are blind, deaf and unreal. They were brought up and raised in high society that they don't know what poverty is. 


VOTE WISELY. Let you and your family survive in Canada.


Friday, September 13, 2024

Friday the 13th


Today's FRIDAY THE 13th... just a reminder to see JASON.

Probably you know already why Jason always come alive and had terrible, horrible revenge.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

You Know...

 TRUMP's the winner in the Presidential debate against Pres. Biden and against Harris.

TRUMP doesn't need another debate. All questions are too old and tiring been questioned so many times in the past. Just check news archive. 

Maybe new questions for Harris because she's been questioned that before the debate as she was told to practice and get ready. lol She knows the questions before that's how it is eh?

For reporters to tell that Trump accepts all the baits? WHAT? Is Harris the one who created those questionnaires? UNFAIR. Weird.

Dogs and cats story just an adlib for Trump. Because there's nothing new. 

Mental acuity? TRUMP still is sharp. However, is there any allergic reaction from  Harris hands? She shook his hands. She could be wearing lotion or perfume that can cause allergy. 

The 11 MILLION undocumented immigrants in USA could end up eating your dogs and cats. That's what he meant or somebody informed him about that. Before the debate Trump had a survey of the BORDER WALL. In 3 years of Biden-Harris nothing had been done except that they allowed illegals inside the US. They are now part of the millions of homeless people. Some of them were chosen to be bussed around to NY then to VP Harris residence and she questioned them where they want to go. Do you want to go to Canada? And that's why so many of those undocumented immigrants and asylum seekers are  within those borders in Canada. Their problem becomes the problem of Canada. That's how Harris immediate solution. Let Canada solve it. Clap, clap, clap!!! Bravo!! Canada will shoulder the expenses for the asylum seekers. And that's why wildfires everywhere.

However, with the back-up plan from the pagan idol Taylor Swift, the tide has turned upside down. What a misery. That's wow!

They said Harris won through the help of Taylor Swift. My oh my. I thought the Americans have minds of their own.

Now you know that Kansas Chief won in the Superbowl because of Taylor Swift - the great influencer.

Anything that Taylor Swift touched to be manipulated and turns into controversy.


I think Madonna, MILEY CYRUS, and P!NK & Selena Gomez have better voice and more talented than her.

Your concert ticket's too expensive for low income girls. I don't know why they are too easy to be manipulated. Now they had an ADvertisements about girls? I mean what about them if they want to have abortion? Yeah, what are you going to do? 

I hope those kids are well educated enough in schools.

TEACH THOSE YOUNG KIDS TO STOP LISTENING TO TAYLOR. Stop being promiscuous. Love your body. Stop wearing lewd skimpy mini skirts, short shorts or stop wearing shiny bathing suits or sexy outfit while twerking asking for sex,  most of all cover your bodies with decent clothes and STOP showing off your boobs and protect yourself from all the dangers out there by being morally upright and respectful of yourself and others. Most of all DON'T PRACTICE SEX IF YOU ARE NOT READY. Get married first before you commit to get pregnant. Well ONLY IF YOU ARE GOOD GIRLS.

If Harris won as President of the United States please appoint Taylor Swift as Secretary of Foreign Affairs. Maybe she can stop the war.

TRUMP CAN STOP THE WAR no doubt about it. But maybe Taylor can twerk at Putin's face. Or have a concert there and bring her millions of minions on Era's tour in Russia. 

What do you think Pres. PUTIN?

Hey she could... if she thinks that she's got the power why not let her TRY TO  STOP THE WARS NOW or at least pray that nobody dies in her concert. Hey, did you observe or even notice that there's always somebody who dies at her concert? WEIRD RIGHT? Are you not being suspicious?

By the way TOM CRUISE has a new movie called AUSTIN OCTOPUSSY.  Is that a true-real movie? Funny.

THE PUBLIC should ask those  terrible newscasters and tv hosts and hostesses against TRUMP should at least be neutral in times of Election or just be SMART enough because I remember in the past when some of them were fired for being accessories to lies and deception and few of them just told the public that they were actually BIPOLAR. Ha! Can you forgive their manipulative attitude because they are bipolar? They could be ADHD too.

FOR THE LOVE OF MONEY. That could be the true reason for the deceptions.

WARNING: Don't believe every word those newscasters are propagating in their news networks. Use your own brains  too.

What You Don't Know Wont Hurt You?

 Some humans without any political background nor have studied Political Science nor do they have TV or watched any movie... thought that the former POTUS Trump is delusional when he mentioned "Hannibal Lecter" in one of the interviews or speech recently. 


Gory, horrible, unbelievable how humans are capable of carnage, violence and how humans without remorse could do something like that becoming like "zombies."


That's why when the soldiers survived from the wars so many of them not only wounded but suffered from all the atrocities of war including the life long PTSD.

Who are delusionals are those news reporters who keep smiling about the nature of war on TV. Feeling pretty candid on TV screen while broadcasting horrible stories? What the hell is that?

News Network should deploy those news reporters on war torn countries where missiles keep falling, where they have to starve and think whether they have to eat rats or stumble over fields of rotten bodies. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Presidential Debate 2024: TRUMP VS. HARRIS

Just EVEN. The Presidential debate between POTUS Donald Trump & VP Kamala Harris is just even. All those questions were the same and been tackled before.

Nothing much to be aware of except that DJT blurted out that her father is a Marxist (Economics professor) and is a Marxist! VP Harris didn't say a word to counter act that.

He doesn't really know her. If she's black, or whoever she is and whatever she's up to her and he cannot argue with that.

LET THE PEOPLE OF USA DECIDE whoever she is. Is she BIDEN? Is she a disguised Nancy Pelosi half J-LO?

On Abortion? DJT has no comment on it because it is now a "state to state" legislation.

It's just that Donald J. Trump is PRO LIFE.

What else been tackled that hasn't been tackled before? Oh reporters saying that DJT had accepted all the baits? Really? is she a fisherman?

Is she a member of the Vatican? I doubt it. I don't think she is religious.

That DJT is weak? Being friends with Russia's Putin is being weak? What? Know what former POTUS BUSH is a friend of Pres. Putin. 

Putin had helped the USA in the war against terrorism for so many years!! 

Who is Zelensky? I don't know Zelensky.

Have you read RUSSIAN HISTORY? Who are mostly Russians? They are the Orthodox Jews!

DJT is first and foremost a family man, businessman, he is not childless. When you have family your opinion matters whether you decide to have war or deal with it very wisely, very diplomatically. NOT A SIGN OF WEAKNESS. You tend to think about the MILITARY, the armed forces whether you deploy all these men with families, with children. That's a huge risk!

KH has no kids of her own. She probably would like war, nothing to lose. No business empire to lose. 

Why illegal immigrants eating dogs? Maybe starving! 

Heard of those airplane passengers, victims of crash on the alpine? They turned into cannibalism? 

TRUE STORY. They ate human flesh not dogs!! 

Okay, if all her plans she would like to do why she cannot do it in her 3 year term as VP?

That's where Trump had failed her. Sorry.

THE WINNER IS DJT. Trumps the victorious! Only if you know what is being talked about in the debate. STOP BEING BIAS.


NOTE: Taylor Swift should stay away from politics and should not endorse any of the Presidential candidate. Or should stay away from sports if necessary. Well, if she is that smart! Concentrate on your MUSIC and stop ripping children on paying $900/ticket for them to see you on the nosebleed sections.


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Weird News

 Burgeoning problem with affordable housing in Canada! Well, only now you know about this? This problem was so long time ago. 

In the 90's how many Canadians were in search for rental houses... so many hundreds of them. I remember way back then when my husband and I managed a 31 unit townhouse. Seldom we have a vacancy and if there is one vacant unit, there were at least 50 applicants who would like to avail of that one vacant house (2 bedrooms + 1 1/2 bathroom + 5 appliances+ utilities not included). 

Can you just imagine how hard would it be for so many of those who struggled to find a home for their families especially after those calamities and disaster (wildfires, tornadoes, flash floods, renovictions, etc).

Even College/University students who found themselves out from their dormitory after being freshmen, only one year term lease they have to find their own place closer to their schools and university. 

Students who were able to find a rental home had to pay $1,000/month +utilities in a cramp area. One bedroom at least. For those who can afford have to pay $2,000 for a one bedroom. Students!! No wonder why so many students gone bankrupt before they can even graduate.

For those who are dreaming of becoming International students in Canada, they should have at least $1 MILLION DOLLARS that can guarantee them to finish that 4 Year Course Degree without any barrier.

DO NOT FALL FOR SCAMS. Watch for NEWS about scammers taking advantage of those tourists (with Tourist Visa) being promised of work in Canada. If you are on Tourist Visa, you cannot work legally in Canada. WATCH BORDER SECURITY show on TV. 

Would they lie to you at the BORDER?

There is no such thing that you can study and work on a STUDENT'S VISA. That's illegal.

I couldn't believe those news about those International students who are working while studying in Canada? Ha? And they are so proud of it, candid on TV. LOL. Wow! How nice of them, maybe they have connections at the Immigration Canada. So weird.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Science Fiction Movies & Big Brother Show


BELKO EXPERIMENT. What happened if you work in a non-profit company not knowing about their security and guidelines until it was too late. That in order to survive they have to kill each other and try to  survive in that company or else you'll explode.  How and why  employees do not know that they were embedded with microchip at the back of their heads?

 How and why would you work for a company that wants you to have microchip implant on your head?

THE TRIGGER EFFECT. Power shut off happened without a warning. Without preparation, cash is only accepted in supermarket, pharmacy (cash & RX required), department stores. Because there is no electricity, people without cash to buy becomes unruly, people are looting, home invasion becomes evident and homeowners equipped themselves with guns. Armed with guns, there's no stopping on how violence would be visible and how humans would be uncontrollable violent and something stupid happened.

COSMOS sci-fiction. Three avid amateur skywatchers: Mike, Dave & Roy calling themselves the "Astro-Nuts" able to confirm an intergalactic signals from outer space and one of them welcome such alien species to earth. Long movie story but the ending is ? Who are those aliens? The lead character looks like JD Vance.

CONTACT. Another science-fiction. To good to be true! Miracle sort of or just manipulation that they want her to believe that there is God?  Who knows, who knew. Sometimes it is best to do wonders and miracles to the unbelievers. Why? TO SHOCK THEM.

THE CREATOR. To see is to believe. This movie is much awaited on PRIME VIDEO. 

BIG BROTHER 26 continuation. 3 houseguests are to compete in A.I. Arena, namely Kimo, Rubina & Joseph. Rubina won in that competition leaving Joseph and Kimo for eviction. Joseph was evicted.

By the way, Chelsie & Tikor were jealous because Makensy & Cam are being "sweet" at each other. LOL. I don't know why. Cam should flirt with Chelsie & Tikor but are they single?

While Quinn (still is the HOH) & Leah aren't going anywhere because they are on "Friendzone."

Tomorrow is the HOH  competition, Sunday 9pm GLOBAL TV hosted by JULIE CHEN MOONVES

Friday, September 6, 2024

Conscience Is What Those Politicians Need

 NDP Leader shocked Canadians when he announced that his deal with the Liberals has ended. Do you think he was pressured by the Conservatives or just that he wants being credited for such moves. Well because despite of his cooperation with the Liberals he was never been credited for that help with the pharmacare and free dental care for kids and seniors. Its because according to him, Liberals are into "Corporate greed."

If we're to record Liberal Party's access to Power during the Trudeau administration what do you think the greatest accomplishment? 

First the propagation of the "weeds." Smoking and vaping of weeds became legalized under Trudeau's. That even some kids had smoking the now legal weeds which of course wrong and great mistake. Too many weed planters became richly endowed. The wildfires evidently been visible in the forest and lightning is the cause and human errors but usually they blame its lightning. There's really no news of lightning in those areas in the 90's and during at the time of PM Harper. The wildfires been common during the Trudeau's regime. HOMELESSNESS very visible. The high falutin inflation, higher price of gas and oil and high cost of commodities are uncontrollable. Its been tackled so many times in the Parliament and just like wildfires they cannot find solution. There are too many new houses and new buildings being built however nobody can afford. Only the millionaires are buying them. How many millionaires in Canada? What is their monkey business? lol. 

How many controversy had Liberals had in the past 4-8 years? Resignation of Justice Minister Hon. Jody Wilson Raybould (re- SNC Lavalin affair?) ?, resignation of Finance Minister Bill Morneau due to the controversial issue in WE Charity where the Trudeau's are part of it.? The resignation of Juliet Payette when Trudeau had took side of the "lone worker" found spying at the Governor's office. Weird. There are other questionable issues but buried from other problems such as the infamous made up pandemic propagated by China when the rioters in HK were being hunted down then the war in Ukraine wherein Canada should not participate in it because Russia was an allied forces in world peace during the war in Iraq, Afghanistan and during Desert Storm. Russia's invasion was part of the Ukrainians-Russian's access to Ukraine after Chernobyl nuclear disaster and the true Ukrainians who fled to Russia (2 millions of Ukrainians fled to Russia and were heartfelt accommodated by Russians) Those millions of Ukrainians just wanted to go back to Ukraine but Zelensky don't want them back) News archive have them recorded. 

The war in Ukraine vs Russia had everything turned upside down. That's why our economy is getting haywire. Wonder why our weather is at worst.

HARD TO UNDERSTAND? Right! Not too many pass their History subject in College. Too many failed HISTORY subjects that's why it is not taught in the USA according to some students. 

Think about this. What happened if ONE MILLION FILIPINOS suddenly would like to return to Philippines? Is there a place for them back home?

So, what is the Great Plan of the NDP under Hon. Jagmeet Singh? What about Conservative Leader Hon. Pierre Poilievre? 

Will they able to accomplish what Liberal Party cannot and failed to do during their reign? 

To  give more credits to the Seniors and Veterans of Canada? To cut pensions and OAS is wrong! What the hell you want to do that? Are you not getting old? Are you stealing the OAS & Pensions for those hardworking seniors? What is wrong with you? Don't you have remorse and moral code?

The Seniors pensions are already fixed, not strong enough with the burgeoning, super high inflation and high cost of living. Please HAVE CONSCIENCE. You only have one life to live. 


Thursday, September 5, 2024

Tactic at Big Brother House

 Do you think there's something wrong with Big Brother 26 show? How many times HOH winner had to block Angela and every time she didn't win the POV somebody, has to offer or award their POV medal on Angela instead of using it for themselves. 

In previous seasons of BIG BROTHER, POV winner did not use the POV on himself and awarded it to somebody else (another houseguest on the block) what happened after that he was put on the block and got evicted. 

That's what HOH Quinn should have done. As soon as Leah gave the POV medal to Angela. Quinn should have taken Leah back to the block for the A.I. Arena. Because she upset the Head of Household's policy.

When Leah won the POV Game (Assembling robot parts) she awarded her POV medal to Angela to the disappointment of everybody most especially Quinn. Why? That's stupid move right? But because she thought Angela will help her once she gets into the Jury. Wth!? Look at what happened to Tucker.

The code is always use the POV on yourself. SAVE YOURSELF. That's the best you can do for yourself. Don't be stupid.

Now, Quinn has no other option but to put Joseph in replacement for the A.I. Arena with Rubina & Kimo. 

The Houseguests thought Angela is not really a threat for their own game. Weird. If that's their thought she might win in the finale of this Big Brother show with all the crying game and all the corny unbelievable drama she is creating. 

Whatever it is, it could be a different tactic for everyone. Maybe those houseguests giving their POV award would rather be OUT of the Big Brother right immediately.

Monday, September 2, 2024

The World Of Work


It's a holiday! Two different meanings to be defined and understand.

Labor as in delivery of a delicate baby infant by a laborious mother. 

Labor means work. Working for wages. Being employed and if even you are paid or not for as long as you are using your physical body, your hands for manual work. Hey you can also make use of your brain to work. 

Push or Pull - the energy to do work.

The use of A.I. is also an initiative to do work through stimulation using computers or with the aid of high tech gadgets.


Most workers would rather take the holiday or vacation at least one month every year. Then keep on working for the rest of the schedule work days with pay.

Some people would work on 3 jobs if they health is in better shape & only if they only work for 4 hours in one job. 

However, if one job offers 8 hours per day do you still have to work in another workplace?

That what it is long time ago. Working in the pulp mill, saw mills and in the mining and forest industry employed workers who can work 8 hours and offers overtime for their employees thereby no other worker could seek another job.

It's different now. Workplace employed workers only for 4-6 hours per day so that they can have other workers to do their job categories required of them. Why? Some employers cannot pay for workers benefit such as medical/dental and other benefits that are required of them to do legally. That some of them asked International students doing those menial jobs. 

Is that wrong? They are helping but that's illegal.

International students are allowed to work? Their VISA is only for "student's visa."

Nothing's wrong with International Students for as long as they are law abiding humans in Canada and they don't commit act of violence and do not participate in radical political protest and rallies. They should set good role model for their country of origin.

Even Temporary Workers are not even allowed to work other than the visa given to them to work in one job. For OFW's working for another job aside from what is stated in their job stated in their work permit could have them deported. 

For those International Students trying to avail of such "special education permit granted by immigration should follow such laws. They are educated enough to know how costly university expenses here in Canada. Failure to know the requirements and playing dumb about the high cost of living here is mind boggling. 

Why Canadian University would accept International Students first over their own Canadian born students?  What's the secret?

Did you know that even the citizens of this country cannot graduate from University due to its HIGH FALUTIN COST OF EDUCATION? Yes, if you like to avail of FREE UNIVERSITY EDUCATION please TRY GERMANY. Learn their language and get free education fully free funded by the German Government.

Too many College/University graduates in Canada who have problems getting the right jobs or occupation simply because they are graduates in the degree or courses not really in demand nowadays.

What are in demand today in the workplaces in Canada?

Doctors, Nurses, Healthcare workers, Paramedic, Hospital workers especially for the E.R.

Dermatologist, Doctors with specialization in different fields of Medicine. 

Environmentalists. Graduate of Fisheries, Park Rangers, Bylaw officers.

Teachers, Dentist, Accountants, Farmers or Agriculturist, Veterinarians, Forest workers, Military Service, Police, Garbage Collectors, Ship builders, Car and Truck Mechanic, Technicians, Computer repairmen, Construction workers, Carpenters, Firemen.

BLOGWRITERS are also doing its part in LABOR. Ghee more laborious works for us. 

Consider us the INVISIBLE HANDS.

Sunday, September 1, 2024


 If you'll ask me... there is nothing wrong if the former POTUS Donald J. Trump visits the Arlington Cemetery to pay homage to those who had been honored as heroes and their sacrifices are deeply much appreciated and well respected.

THERE IS NOTHING WRONG! Maybe he is well connected with the US MILITARY. REPUBLICANS are more connected with the US ARMED FORCES than the Democrats. You must as well do the same thing.

Former US Pres. Trump had helped too many Veterans in the past. Actually he donated millions of dollars for the Veterans (US Armed Forces).

He had at one time criticized POW from the past due to certain various questionable issues. Have you seen movies such as PLATOON? Or BRIDGE ON RIVER KWAI? How WAR had glorified heroes and criminals? You have to know what the military are capable of and how stupid war can make heroes into zeroes during the VIETNAM WAR. You have to read PSYCHOLOGY College textbook regarding those American soldiers who did wrong when they "followed obedience to authority" of murdering civilians without remorse. It was analyzed, examined by the PENTAGON. Just because you are a soldier you are allowed to MURDER innocent civilians, even if its at war. 

Of course there are HEROES IN THE MILITARY. And there are criminals too. 

Balancing who is the best PRESIDENT for the United States? Do you want somebody who doesn't know much? Or somebody who knows everything? Do you want somebody who benefit from illegal aliens or somebody who would like to work for legal immigrants and true Americans?

Would you like somebody who is PRO LIFE, compassionate, generous and had helped so many people whether they are needy just because it is their business to be people pleaser as part of their business or just because that candidate just want validation that she's a woman and she wants to help women to have rights to abortion. My God! Did you have radical  activists killing those doctors/abortionists and had those abortion clinics on fire? Would you like that to happen  once again?

Business tycoons only like BUSINESS to thrive. War is not part of their plan. Because war is about disorder, savagery, destruction, murder, stock market collapse, property loss, loss of lives. 

He had donated to many charitable institutions "anonymously." I hope you know that. Now it's no longer anonymous eh? Did your female candidate donated something for the people in need? Did she ever had kids of her own? Why is she childless? Is she Pro-Life or why she is for abortion rights? Is she Jamaican/Indian or Black? 

There are too many questions that need answers on their first debate if there will ever be. 

Let them have a DEBATE.

Breaking News

 BREAKING NEWS: Six Israelite hostages were brutally murdered by the notorious Hamas. Their bodies found under the tunnel in Gaza.

On October 7, 2023 while Music Festival was being held in Israel and thousands of participants and viewers were enjoying the event when suddenly a forceful entrance of the terrorist group Hamas had brought unspeakable rage and violence. It was a violent carnage of murderous rampage without remorse for the living, they don't care about the old people or the young children, they killed, molested and raped women and abducted so many of them.

The horrendous act of violence by those terrorists are unforgiven and yet ceasefire was agreed upon because of the pleas from the families of the abductees. They want their loved ones returned to them as soon as possible.

WAR broke out between the Israelis and Hamas. Non-stop firing, bombing and manhunt for the Hamas and their collaborators in Gaza and Rafah. Gaza had become war torn city as soon as the Gazans had evacuated their homeland. Those who didn't evacuate or did not listen to the warning were part of the casualty. 

A month from now is the horrible one year anniversary of the brutal, murderous rampage of terrorism that affected every Jewish people in Israel and the Jewish community in Canada & United States of America. Until now justice hasn't been done. 

How many hostages are still under the brutal hands of Hamas? Are they dead or still alive? How long will it take for another ceasefire?