Friday, August 30, 2024


 Do you watch OMNI Filipino NEWS on TV?

It's hard to believe that some Filipino families in Canada are now recipient of FOOD BANKS. Well, "before" only the Canadians, Indigenous Families and other various Ethnic immigrants  are the people who go and visit the Food Banks in Canada. 

Filipinos are visible now in Canada as in MILLIONS in population.

Not all Filipinos are recipient of Food Banks. Only the few and those who would like to avail of FREE FOODS.

The question is WHY NOT? It is wiser to use the Food Bank in times when commodities in supermarkets are almost unaffordable which is questionable.

Unlike in Philippines where there are Wet Market and food stalls where you can haggle for the price of items that you want to buy. At least HAGGLING is part of the economy to fix and augment prices when its necessary. A marketing strategy for the wiser as in you don't have to be a recipient of a Food Bank. There is no Food Bank in Philippines.

Know what? There should be TRADE IN MARKET here in Canada. You can trade any product for another product like a BARTER sort of. 

BARTER was a form of marketing in the buying and selling of goods. BARTER without the use of monetary exchange. It's about time. 

Canada is becoming a Third World Country thanks in part by the known politicians in this country who worked for their own happiness and enrichment of their own families only. 

In Philippines where too many vigilantes who have the people's power once graft and corruption becomes a nuisance to the country's economy.

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