Friday, April 19, 2024

Are They Very Greedy?

 Looks like no matter how majority of the population feel about burgeoning humongous problem about the cost of housing and the high cost of basic commodities there will never be a great solution. Looks like some people are getting more greedy and price hike of anything will always be the conflict and a crisis.

People complaining about the price of gas from 1.75 /liter in Ontario and Alberta? In BC the price of gas is already 2.00/liter. 

You know how the price of houses will go down?

Remember when all the pulp mills, saw mills and mining companies shutdown and closed those major companies in certain cities in BC? 

GHOST TOWN SCENARIO had all the prices of houses DOWN because most of them were foreclosures by the bank. People moving out and trying to settle in different parts of the province or out of the province in search for greener pasture.

In other countries, WAR is the ultimate resort. No houses to rent or pay mortgages.  The inevitable of living on tents or shanties or people living off the grid. Homelessness? Too many humans are actually homeless!!!

You don't want to wait for such thing of a grave situation to happen. 

Well to think that CANADA is becoming the best destination for new immigrants with money then that's a good thing. YOU ONLY GET TO KNOW THE PEOPLE, THE COUNTRY ON YOUR OWN EXPERIENCE. IN PERSON. You must know the country, the people based on your day to day experience with daily situations. Nobody knows for sure until you yourself experience it.

On being GREEDY? There are THE ONLY FEW GOOD MEN and you can have them posted on the walls as murals in your community. Ha ha ha!

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