Saturday, February 17, 2024

Don't Ask. Don't Tell.

 Valentine's Breaking News in KANSAS PARADE intended for the celebration of Kansas Chief's winning Superbowl was marred by violence. Lone gunman shot dead one of the spectators and injured others after the parade. Still under investigation. Right away, it was announced that famous singer Taylor Swift donated hundred thousand dollars to the bereaved family. Isn't that long ago when she also donated money for one of her fans who died at her concert in Brazil? Wow! That's generosity!?

Well, don't you like cereal for breakfast or a bowl of quaker oats good enough?

Another Breaking News: Alexei Navalny died at age 47 in Siberian prison! How frigid cold in Siberia? Truly, real cold! Probably colder than Everest but Everest is more than cruel that you need oxygen to breathe. Don't even know if those prisons have heating capacity as in  Siberia is very remote area of Russia that means you are on your own if you become prisoner in that abandoned site. What Navalny dies of? That's the question? Was he on hunger strike? Died of freaking frigid cold zone- hypothermia? 

In the movie MISSION IMPOSSIBLE, Tom Cruise the famous bankable actor had managed to escape from such prison. How? You should watch one of the sequels of MI. 

Is there a MI: Dead Reckoning Part Two?

Another movie worth watching for, only if you like the drama:

Do you want to watch the movie 71? Why not. 

71 the movie is about the clash between the Catholics and the Protestants how it all began is I am not sure about it. The feud between these two religious denominations became so violent that led to bloody encounters and wildfires in the neighborhood and community of Belfast in Ireland. To stop and control the riots, troops of British soldiers were then deployed, however the Protestants and Catholics don't like their presence in their community and they started aiming their hatred on these group of soldiers. One of the boys had stolen the rifle from one of the soldiers and the soldier had tried to retrieve the gun from the boy however group of gangsters punched him until he can no longer move, one of the soldiers (lead actor -  Jack O'Connel) tried to help his buddy however, one gangster was so quick to shoot the fallen soldier on his head. Panic stricken people rushed inside their homes and pretend nothing happened. The rest of the British soldiers left the violent scene of turmoil. The gangsters were after the soldier who escaped from their wrath. The next scenes were unraveling of how the soldier was able to escape and survive and who to trust. At the end of the movie, the officer told the British soldier Gary Hook that he was lucky to be alive but the officer doesn't want to listen to his own story. That's one of the story of don't ask, don't tell.

CONFUSION sometimes the cause of all wars in our world.

Sometimes it is the CONFUSION that led to misdiagnosis. Why? Those narcissists don't even want to hear nor listen to the patients words as the doctors usually believed they are gods!

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