Friday, December 1, 2023

Google Will Pay 100 Million Dollars To Canadian Media Outlet?

 One hundred million dollars! Wow! I couldn't believe that Google will pay $100 HUNDRED MILLION annually to Canadian Feds for its Media Outlet as imposed in BILL C-18.  Really?!

I don't know. I just saw that in the news on TV.  Who's the owner of Google? Is it Mr. Sergey Brin? lol.

You know what? It's GOOD NEWS! Billionaires should better make donations or at least give, pay or at least have worthy loopholes to make amends.

100 Hundred million $$$$$$$$$$   annually is actually nothing compared to their BILLION/TRILLION DOLLARS Empire company. I think GOOGLE earns billion dollars weekly/month for all the advertising happening at their website. Google is the world's largest search engine. Have you ever used their Google map? Try to google your own location or your address and it will appear in the map, aerial view to the actual front and back view of your own house. If you saw your own house in that certain location and everything along side with that address, including trees, vehicles parked on those streets? You know that the drones and satellites had been in your location. That's how sophisticated their search engine much more scientific than those probes sent to the moon, Mars and other planets in the solar system.

One hundred million dollar is just probably a donation sort of. The owner of Google is just sooo richy, wealthy and showering in trillions dollars of his wealth.

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