Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Hollywood & Bullywood

 Is there any GOOD NEWS? Why all  news are BAD NEWS?

Are the bad, worse of all humans winning the war in humanity?

Why always the war between GOOD & EVIL?

It never stop. The devastating earthquake in Turkey & Syria with 46,000 death toll, some still unaccounted for and another tremor of mag. 6.4 struck yesterday. More death, more injury and more tremors are felt... Earthquakes didn't stop the war in Ukraine and Russia.

I think that NEWS are meant to produce more news whether they are bad or good or who benefit from it and war as usual is part of such nature...it is meant to employ provide supply of products and services. 

Everyone's corrupt! Who said that one is not and the other is more corrupt. If you are part of the war that means you are part of all who died, who are hurting and no denying the fact nobody's innocent.

Enough of the drama. Enough hollywood pinocchios. 

Who are part of those wars in the past? Who are the instigators of war?

Did you offer help in form of tanks, weapons of mass destruction? Did you give in and brought more artillery to cause war and death? Any weapons that kill whether they are guns, grenades, missiles... and you allow them to be used by humans whether they are to defend another country you are responsible for the DEATH OF THOSE PEOPLE! Then you are asking where justice should be?

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