Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Gun Violence An Epidemic. Why?

 While California had been hit with storms after storms after the earthquake causing power outage, the flood was the next damage being reported after the New Year. Next news from news network, after the flood, drought is felt in other parts of California. Then for whatever it is that some people whose brainwaves are haywire (?) started firing, shooting people. In the news, of a lone gunman who shot 10 people in a dancing hall club. I don't know the reason why the gunman shot those people because the suspect committed suicide. Some people in that community thought it was a hate crime (racism) but the gunman was an Asian who shot Asian people as his victims.

Another disturbing news that a mushroom worker shot his co-workers at the workplace where mostly Asian workers are working in that same company. They caught the gunman and he was under investigation.

OMG! It's becoming a trend now that desperados are so consumed of gun violence and they seemed to choose victims in groups. What could be the reason why? 


From most of the FBI stories and series I watched on TV, FBI Agents had come to unravel that out of desperation of the victimizers had something to do with such violence in order to save their member of the family or close family member who is in dire need of immediate organ transplant. It's hard to believe but many stories of these violent acts had come to be the only reason why. In the news, there are more than 100,000 patients who are in need of new life saving vital organ: heart, kidney, liver, lungs, skin (for grafting), plasma, blood, etc. Truth of fiction? IT'S THE TRUTH & IT IS ALSO ABOUT FACTS. Long time ago, they only used vital organs from those "volunteers" from prisoners in prison,  from casualty at war (no wonder there's rumor of war all the time), and because human organs are becoming in demand...the human organs are now commodity. It's a shame. Very desperate humans have to deal with organ transplant through the help of pigs. The experiment on having heart from a pig was tried and tested but it didn't last long for the human recipient.

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