Sunday, August 7, 2022

FOR GOD SAKE! Lazy people!

 Don't you hate internet provider that thinks they are above the law? Better than the customers who pay the bills and the customers/clients who use their service and pay for the service. Being loyal and treat their customers like nothing? Or you will end up into nothingness?

Why is it always hard for those clerks or employees working to provide customer service to do their job properly? What's wrong with them? You told them the problem (online and telephone conversation) and we  need fast immediate action and still cannot understand the reason why we called and asked their help. What they cannot understand?

Okay, they usually sent the BILL through E-Bill via email address. However, for whatever reason other than laziness, they only sent a message of the TOTAL BILL and how those bills were accumulated you have to LOG IN with the customer's password to get in and find out the whole total bill. 

FOR GOD SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The robots wont let you log in.  That's the problem. It's my account and then the command was to reset password or whatever is needed to retrieve the account. You call the customer service but it would take hours for them to answer and let you press this and that number until the customer service which was outsource from another country gets in the line.  Are you sure they are the service for the Internet provider? I doubt it. That's what it is with the "internet" and "switch" changing from one line to another.

And you wonder why Elon Musk still want to buy twitter? That too have problems with switches. Maybe they are all hackers and witches.

Why don't you guys at the internet provider company to send the whole TOTAL BILL and how the bill was accumulated. Not just stating here's the total bill: $ 340.00 if paid for the month of August 2022.

To find out the whole accumulation of bill log in to blah-blah-blah.

Blah-blah-blah. And you are trying to conserve time, money and effort? Then your stupid big logo/photos of those insects and animals and flowers occupy the page, which you pay maybe per hour every time you post it online and you have no space for the whole bundle bill. Adding extra payments for those stupid logos and advertisement of those unnecessary images. Not cute. Not funny! Three short statements or few numbers or 3 digits wont occupy so much space in your database nor for email statement purposes.

Look,are you guys VERY LAZY? You can just 

Type the following:

TV : $_______ Put the numbers (amount to be paid) on the blank space.

INTERNET: $_______

PHONE: $__________

TOTAL: $ 340.00

My God, you want me to have a calculus of that $340? Let X = Y?

That's easy right? That's what every customer wants to SEE. You want them to log in to your apps so that the whole accumulation of bill is presented? That's totally BULL____!

Is that too hard for you "internet provider clerk whatever laziness you are doing good for nothing! A-holes!?

Why don't you just SEND THE whole complete BILL (stating facts in numbers for TV/Internet/Phone and include what channels you have added in the bundle because there are channels we don't ask for in the bundle and you want us to pay for those channels?) Just send through home address the complete total bill stated, in a statement account summary in an envelope through home address with postage. My God! What kind of humans we have on planet Earth as being stupid and lazy? You lazy people should be the ones to be sent on planet Uranus.

I still have some respect for your company not to mention your stupid's name company! I hope you receive lots of comments from other unsatisfied customers. Or better yet FIRE or terminate your clerks or customer service clerk. Too much, my BP is going up high. 

You the lazy employees that tend to ruin the company's prestige and integrity and the downfall of a good company because of  your LAZYNESS!

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