Sunday, May 15, 2022

Evil As What Evil Does

 The non-stop public shaming of the case between DEPP & HEARD has reached SNL or SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE with the original cast + guest stars Selena Gomez and Posh Malone. It was totally hilarious as they tackle about the "fecal matter on the bed." Darn it! How many dogs they have? If you have pets at home that could be the possibility that poop will be around if you don't walk the dogs out or cats without litter boxes.

The only happy people about court cases are the lawyers (prosecutors and defenders) for they are paid per hour and to think that you only ask for information from a lawyer is costly. I know of somebody who asked few information from a lawyer and it costs her $10,000. If the case gets into the court, you'll be slapped with more than $50,000 + to millions of dollars, depends on how long the process of litigation, etc. That's why some of those women end up marrying their own  lawyers. 

Amber Heard's being slapped again and again by the public shaming the case had against her on this defamation lawsuit. Who is at wrong or whose fault? They are actors fgs! Johnny Depp is an actor! We don't know for sure if Amber is acting or reacting naturally? Or they have a script. This could be a movie THE LYING GAME or DECEPTION POINT. 

Here's what I learned from watching FBI stories. Anybody who is a drug addict or anybody who is a marijuana smoker or cocaine addict ? You don't have to believe them. Anything they do is outrageous, unbelievable,  stupid and they can do anything and they can manipulate everything and they have some sort of manipulative attitude as in they are the personification of EVIL.

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