AND something weird happened too in my blog here of FOREVER TV...
Hmm, you know when suddenly those AH made some dramatic fun of themselves. LOL. They didn't even mention anything of the Maneskin's appearance on AMA in any television shows in the US. No mention at all of the best performance of that night. VERY STRANGE indeed. OMG! Ok, if they are Italians what so wrong about it? You love the Koreans better? It's not about race dudes. I think everyone deserves publicity in a better light of days. Who cares if you guys are over shadowed by the Italian rock band? Is it an Olympic game happening in AMA? Why don't you jump too? Let it snow then.
It's ok. I think had that too when I mentioned the performance of the famous actress Lindsay Lohan who I happened to watch her movie MEAN GIRLS on TV which I opted to watch instead of the award ceremony in Hollywood. The next day, the news had it thrashing out Lindsay Lohan making her as "bad ass girl" or something. It's like similar to being "excommunicated" and giving her the bad publicity.
You'll never know how that "over-shadowing some elite AH" in Hollywood as if mafia or mobsters are involved. It's mind-boggling crazy. You guys should join Amazing Race and jump from the building with a rope. J/K
If you heard of the acquitted teen and Rittenhouse case then probably you know what kind of impact such case is in modern civilized society. That it's ok to own a gun and fired it too at somebody you don't really like. Wow! maybe he owns a toy gun eh? That's probably a toy that he fired at his victim. Where he bought that TOY GUN?
Nobody is safe now in a pandemic made up stories. If they want the whole world vaccinated so that everyone should be stronger, higher, faster? What are they up to anyway? So that nobody should end up in hospitals and nobody would need the assistance of doctors and nurses and you wont bankrupt the health system that's why because if there's NO PATIENT there is NO HOSPITAL, NO DOCTORS, NO NURSES, NO HEALTH CARE WORKERS! AND THERE's NO WORK FOR THEM.
NOTE: The first month of the PANDEMIC was actually sort of PANIC. The millions of health care workers are flabbergasted and they didn't even know what the pandemic is all about. Why? It's because they don't really have case about that coronavirus in their hospitals and clinics. However, when the government officials had it that because of the isolation and quarantine for the whole country and will give each citizen, or inhabitants of this country will have that CERB allowance per month and that's great! So great that some people would rather be isolated and accept being out of work and received monthly CERB payments. If you are paid NOT TO WORK because of the sudden onset of pandemic hey, that's amazing! If its really, a truly pandemic no wage, no allowance and it's gonna be a mandatory vaccination and it will be initiated by the military not by civilians. See the difference? A pandemic and epidemic is different in its meaning of outbreak. A pandemic of INFLUX OF IMMIGRANTS legal or illegal and influx of REFUGEES had its worst outcome. Maybe we are just misinformed by the newscasters. Maybe the real true news were omitted and we are given the hoard news from the past and they are giving us just "slight true information or data as trying to hide something." COVER UP. Well that's their conscience bothering them every hour and every day of their lives. I hope they can live through that and their conscience wont bother them.
Right, there's no way that you should blame the health care workers: doctors and nurses are pawns and they only followed orders from their superior and because they are the pawns and first guinea pigs for the vaccines through all these games of life. We must at least show compassion for the pawns. Now you must understand them.
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