Wednesday, October 13, 2021

The Good Doctor

 Did you watch the latest episode of  THE GOOD DOCTOR? It was about the Measure of Intelligence. How intelligence is measured? Go check your Psychology book. 

There are many factors on how intelligence is measured. First of course on several tests, IQ Test, comprehensive general test on individual's assessment. Test you are not aware of, as in done without your awareness, unconsciously you are being examined like a lab rat. Oopssi that hurts eh?

Just like this COVID-19 Pandemic of all trials and tests being administer by the NAZI and their avid followers. Ha ha! Too bad! The AUSCHWITZ too old and rotten to administer all those "laboratory rats for their observation test." Well, of course, obedience to authority seems to be one of the factors that lead to that test. For those who would rather disrespect their superior in authority found ways to act differently to oppose such drastic action. Beacuse probably they studied PSYCHOLOGY IN COLLEGE and they know what "Obedience to Authority means." Yup, what happened in the war in VIETNAM with millions of people, children, adults, soldiers, civilians whose lives should not have been perished but because obedience to mass killing of innocent people was such an order they have to forget but cannot and PTSD is their only way out. There's no lying when it comes to writing HISTORY. You might as well die than to write a history full of lies.

So, let's go back to what happened to Dr. Murphy (Freddie Highmore) when Dr. Glassman (his personal mentor and sponsor) retired from San Jose Bonaventure Hospital, when Salen (former patient/observant) had overtaken the hospital and introduced the ETHICURE MEDICAL and her AI robotic measures/tracker of patient's vital medical information/BMS that could lead so many nurses and medical practitioners out of work. It is the latest AI modern high technology machines if its proven efficient and effective can lead to millions of unemployed employees in the hospitals, clinics. Then include Salen, acting like robot too as in she is everywhere, listening, observing, butting in and monitors almost everything that moves inside the hospital. Is she that annoying or what? Dr. Murphy asked the opinion and help from his mentor Dr. Glassman ((busy trying to make wine from scratch. He was on the wine barrel with his bare legs and feet squeezing the juice from the grapes. BAD! Dr. Glassman is real bad! The old method of making wine is similar to the old ritual used in the Medieval period of squeezing grapes using human legs and feet of prisoners and what happened? BUBONIC PLAGUE sets in. Anyway, maybe the doctor's legs and feet are free of germs and no sores of anything, no fungal infection and no athlete's foot)). The he asked Dr.Murphy to join him in squeezing the grapes. What the hell...

The whole cast of THE GOOD DOCTOR was kind of annoyed of her > SALEN, especially Dr. Murphy because first he disapproved the scrubs he is wearing. The scrubs too itchy for his skin. The color of the scrubs not appealing to my vision.  There are several annoying situations wherein Dr. Murphy is not happy about and he let Salen knew about it. He thought everything's ok after that "talk." However before the end of that episode, a large poster was shown of Dr. Murphy above (not on top) the building of the hospital with quotes/unquotes: 

SOME HOSPITALS ARE DIFFERENT & So are some doctors. 

Dr. Shaun Murphy, Surgeon (Autism Spectrum). 

OhmyGod! What an outstanding advertisement. Is that an insult or ridicule from an ADHD Salen?

NOTE: Those modern machines that automatically tested, recorded and informed of your vital medical issues are like HOT PRESSURE WATER TANK with compressor. That's deadly. It's fast and maybe accurate but the rapid radiation on your physical body could be hazardous to your health and so as those "tracker watches" you are wearing. One day your healthy and the next day after using such machine you only have few days left. Don't wait for a day when you'll cough out blood.  Remember you are a HUMAN BEING, you are not a robot. You are not made of wood or ceramic. But you know some humans are very curious. To see is to believe and to try brand new modern high-tech machines could make them "civilized and modernized as being retro-metro but unhealthy." RAPID FAST TESTING. LIGHT TRAVELS FASTER THAN SOUND.

Don't tell me I didn't warn you.

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