Tuesday, August 17, 2021

What's good and what's not?

 Earthquake of 7.2 magnitude in Haiti happened last Saturday, followed by hurricane that led to flash flood. 

Mass evacuation in Afghanistan when the Taliban takeover its capital. Where those Afghans refugees going and where they will be accepted? How many Afghans against 75,000 Talibans? 

I watched THE PATRIOT movie of Mel Gibson and Heath Ledger and I can only compare that situation of such intensity to a magnitude of  10.

The wildfires continues in the interior of British Columbia in Canada. Temporary tents are built to accommodate the homeless people. Wow! Worse has come to worst. That part of BC is becoming Arab or the Middle Eastern phenomenon. You wished the storms will just put off the fire and that would stop the rage of such draconian wildfire  because the rain is not enough to control such fire. 

Uhm, what's underneath those mountains and forests? 

It rained a little bit yesterday but not enough. A typhoon or storm's good enough to stop the wildfire once and for all.

It's getting cooler this morning, I hope the cooler breeze continues the whole day and until tomorrow and the next day.

With all the problems and conflict, the politicians are gearing up in their campaign proposals to the Canadians. Election will be on September 20, 2021 so, you'll be hearing and seeing those politicians everyday on your TV, on your community, in public trying to lure you on their sides. Who will you vote and elect for office? What is the platform of each official who wants your vote? VOTE WISELY. Use your head, your brain, not your heart. You don't have to be emotional. Vote what is good for your family. YOU HAVE A FAMILY, right? What is important for you and your family?

SEINFELD's episode last night got me thinking of how diversity led to racism. Friends become enemies when Cosmo tried to get over protective over Bette Midler who was injured when George run her over in a game of softball. South Korean girls being mean on Elaine, mocking her as "Princess" in the nail salon. It was funny but one of those situation when one false move gets in the way and God knows civil war could happen. It was just a comedy show but you know in America, the truth about people in America... they are gun owners. They are gun owners, they have guns and they could also bring guns in schools, everywhere. It's not what we intend to happen but it happened every year when bullies started bullying then you'll have BREAKING NEWS.

IT'S HOT!  I know that when it's extremely hot, the heads get hotter, the bloods boiling and that's why have to change the climate. Let the cooler air and cooler breeze flows.

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