Tuesday, July 28, 2020


I don't really know when COVID-19 and Corona virus will STOP.

You know what's the best strategy?

SHUTDOWN ALL TV NEWS NETWORK propagating the news of the VIRUS!

That's what they did in the Spanish Influenza of 1918-1919.


It wont work here in Canada, USA and around the world. WHY?

Too many millions to billions  of humans although impacted by the pandemic scare are not as powerful as the kind of media corporations owned by billionaires and because part of it was  this two year pandemic is such a cause for the BURNOUT suffered by humans using modern technology.

Let me clarify this that the pandemic is actually a stage at which whether to keep on pressurizing our minds and bodies as the victims of modern technology (computers, laptops, tablets, cellphones and other gadgets). We are bombing our physical human body with all the atomic structures that will one day can collapse our own very existence. You wont know it because how small, tiny or microscopic such atoms anyway. Invisible bullets. No wonder why so many millions of people have cancer.

I know, it's hard to let go of modern gadgets and modern technology. 

Life as we know it wont be normal anymore.

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