Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Devil You Know Could Be The Rod

Would you like to watch THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, the movie? There are many 10 Commandments movies made with different actors and actresses but the most powerful and popular movie ever made was that of Charlton Heston as the lead actor in portrayal of MOSES.

Remember how Moses and Aaron battled with the Pharaoh's high priest and sorcerers using their magic rods. Every time they used their "rods" something appeared to entice, to deceive, persuade, and showed  how powerful each one of them. Who are better, whose got the power?

Pests and pestilence at the Pharaoh's kingdom. Rods symbolized all that are bad. Or whoever used those rods can come out with something to do harm. Who are using rod and rods in our generation? Who are witches and sorcerers?

Changing rod to sphere would be a better outcome. Rod is old and sphere is new. Rod is not the name to be used in our generation because you are to bring the old plague of black death and bubonic plague.

And GUNS and drones are ultra modern.

Same old story. Just read your Old Testament and New Testament.
Maybe you can learn from such Bible stories.

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