Monday, October 7, 2019


I don't know why those critic doesn't like the comeback of Lauren Cohan in THE WALKING DEAD?

I think they are afraid that one of those regulars will be OUT from their acting stints and stunts. Hey, Lauren has her credits for a blockbuster movie with Mark Wahlberg in MILE 22. Whiskey cavalier had proven Lauren Cohan had that acting talent and fighting skills similar to Milla Jovovich. Is that what those stars are afraid of? Or just that Lauren doesn't like roles/parts that made her romantically involve with any of those cast of characters in TWD, well except if Glen will have a comeback.

So, I watched the episode last night of TWD: Lines We Cross. LINES as in too many lines! Joint-forces of communities from Alexandria to Oceanside to Hilltop in their preparation for another ramble with the Whisperers. Oceanside curb is their training ground. With masks started appearing on sandy shore what could be the situation? Infiltration of the whisperers in their compound? Not only the worse situation becomes intense but the falling satellite from Russia had fallen right there in the forest closer to Oceanside and Michonne's group have to put off the fire. Then here comes the zombies willing to devour them.  Putting off wildfire and fighting zombies that's added bonus and extreme tensions and pressure for the whole cast. At least this time, THE WALKING DEAD series magnifies itself to a new higher level. It's more like a movie as if deep impact has landed on earth.

What could be the radiation effect looming at Oceanside? As usual the Eugene genius curiosity holds no restriction and his curious hands are up to what he can get hold from what's inside the satellite. Who knows maybe there is something inside for modern telecommunication from another part of the world. Or maybe there is an alien origin stuff or alien being inside the module? What could be inside?
Wall E?   LOL. J/K

What and why they are afraid of Alpha? Or Beta? From the looks of these characters as if they never die or they are part of the series Halloween and Friday the 13th that never seem to die because of its sequels of non-stop irritating us. Yep, TWD is becoming such horrendous and horrible because of Alpha & Beta. To think that the next episode will focus on  Alpha's life. Alfalfa. That's why the return of Lauren as Maggie Green Rhee will irritate the likes of Alpha & Beta for sure. Include Negan's wrath.

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