Old movie of George Clooney > "O, Brother Where Art Thou?"
I happened to watch this very old movie last night on TV. It was a story of 3 ex-convicts who escaped from prison and end up in a radio station and managed to audition for which their old Mississipi tune had a place in the air. While their actual goal was to find the 1930's buried treasure their wild adventure met with a musician, outlaws and religious cult movement called the KKK or the Klu Klux Klans. It was a story of friendship, hardship, poverty, political mischief, graft and corruption and family disputes. At least the ending brought one of them to his family as he reunited with his wife and six children.
Is the political arena the same in our generation? There's no KKK in our time where the group hide their faces by using white conehead masks and using white long gowns with specific symbols and burning the cross edifices are part of their alliance and hatred to the race they think a hindrance to their cause. Nowadays, the racists and bigots are always identified because the social media is all out of producing two sides of the population whether they are racist or not. There are two sides and they are viewed equally through the medium and its high tech.
On TWD, the masks are somewhat strange of course because the humans wore zombie masks to blend in with the zombies.
However, there are humans who are using masks to disguise themselves in a musical contest.
Yeah, you think detectives, spies and people with burn marks are the only humans who cover their faces. There are many artists, movie stars, television stars who also covered their faces with make up and sometimes disguised themselves as a different actor/actress and they are called drag stars or trans. Other showbiz personalities disguised themselves as a different personality or a different person with a different name for what purpose (according to the roles given to them to portray on the silver screen) or cause they are into this kind of disguise is only them who know themselves and for what reason they are to cover themselves is beyond us. Maybe they are aliens or they want to cover the color of their skin and they hate their face. Maybe they are too old for the role/part in the movie and they have to have a younger, youthful face mask or vice versa.
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