Thursday, January 24, 2019

It's A Choice Not A Chance

My computer was "unplugged" for the past 12 hours! I have to because I want to conserve energy. One of these days I will have to choose SHUTDOWN mode or sleep because paying the internet for connection and paying electricity are overwhelming. My shutdown mode is sometimes a pre-requisite with permission from the owner of the computer. In other words I shutdown my own computer. If I want to shutdown my computer that's my own prerogative.

The normal, ordinary communication that is done through the landline telephone  no longer exist or they exist lesser than what you think. I mean telephone conversation is only a thing of the past or you are the new cavemen because telecommunication is done through cellphones and through the computers. That watching ordinary TV is also a cavemen thing now  because some extravagant humans opted for Netflix. Using Netflix just to gain awards in award giving body is foul.

WTH is going on with our generation? You can only talk or communicate with these people through modern technology? You have to pay extra to communicate with humans with the doubting task whether they are the true real humans we knew about or just proxy?

Just recently, there are two sisters with a fashion/travel blogsite that when you happen to visit their site because they are in the internet, automatically your computer will shutdown abruptly for no reason. It will totally blacken your computer screen. Blackout! These females looked like Korean-Chinese and they are using the Huawei technology. I don't know how many victims they had or what kind of bugs they used that automatically shutdown computers. My computer's anti-virus scanner scanned for viruses: malwares and spywares. Those are the viruses their website had. So I am informing some of my blog friends from Blogger and Google to remain vigilant and do not visit those two girls who love to travel. Let me tell you V & V if you are reading my blogs, you should get rid of your website full of bugs. Also stop your gaya-gaya idea and imitation of other celebrities. Try being original.

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