Yey! It's first day of December 2018. It was just yesterday the 30th of November when suddenly the people from Anchorage, Alaska were rattled by 7.0 earthquake. I was watching the news on TV (CTV and Global News) when somebody from Alaska reported what had just happened at their house, the shaking of the hanging ceiling lamp, the movements of the walls and other stuff shaking to the wave (P or S wave? Don't know). They sent their videos of what happened during the shaking and rattling. I don't know the cause of the quake, nor the one reporting the news.
Seismologists can fill up the gap on our most common question of what's the cause of earthquake?
We can only assume that quake is either tectonic, volcanic, seismic, explosion of some kind, underwater explosion, oil and gas explosion at the bottom of the sea? tsunami... what could be? Nobody knows. A meteor or asteroid hit and struck the planet but that's totally impossible. Satellites from stratosphere falling its debris? I don't know.
Aliens space craft landing on our planet? That's absurd and ridiculous.
As of now, nobody knows the impact of 7.0 on richter scale and if that 7.0 magnitude quake happened in a populated country with skyscrapers that's absolutely scary and the impact could be magnanimous in proportion.
There could be a BIG ONE! But to wait for it is when and where?
We can only PRAY and BE PREPARED.
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