Monday, October 1, 2018

Is It Unfair?

It's nice talking about other people if you work in the Press or you are a Media person. News network deals with NEWS about other people's stories. That's their professional job. They are not talking about themselves nor bringing out news about their own personal lives but to bring news about other people's personal lives, happy or sad stories but most of all controversial stories. They are paid to bring life stories of controversial people in politics, showbiz, and all people from different walks of life. They provide entertainment news, technology, health, economy, financial news and what matters to their viewers and listeners. Can't blame them if that's the true nature of their job description.

WE all knew that. Nobody can say that newscasters or reporters have to air their dirty laundry because it's the dirty laundry of the other people they have to air and that's their profession no matter how that awful is. It's a requirement that they talk, write or broadcast the news stories not their own stories and they are paid for that.That you must understand the nature of their work. Understand? Or misunderstood?

Are you sad that the FEAR the Walking Dead had its finale last night? Episode: I Lose Myself (pert. to Morgan's motto: I Lose People. I Lose Myself) It must have been known to Martha that Morgan seemed to be that too much of a warrior when he lose his own people that he started getting wicked and vicious. I didn't know that Martha is a clairvoyant or she probably knew Morgan beforehand. Whatever, first thought Martha is racist because she used white people as deadbeat baits and spare Morgan. However, she didn't kill Maggie Grace (Althea).  Jim was put to "sleep" thanks to Morgan. He can no longer be used by Martha as a bait on a leash. Morgan would like to save crazy Martha but was too late. She tried to poison Morgan's team with anti-freeze disguised as bottled water. Martha's revenge has finally ended when she "turned into a zombie." Morgan's team was saved from anti-freeze and they all consumed bottles of alcohol. Weird?

THE WALKING DEAD will resume or return its premiere season to begin next Sunday. Zombie fans are crying foul that the lead actor Andrew Lincoln (Rick Grimes) will be phased out from the number one horror apocalyptic series. WHY? He is a very talented actor. He is the LEAD ACTOR for THE WALKING DEAD. What's good about TWD without Rick Grimes?

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