Friday, December 1, 2017

Mystery, Mystery, Do You Love Mystery?

Designated Survivor. In a secret mission to Kabul, Pres. Kirkman led his team to privately and personally interviewed the two rebel leaders under a tent of secrecy. Because it's a "secret" nobody knows the purpose why the need for the President to go there with FBI Agent Wells and White House Secret Service Guard. At the White House, Emily had to deal with Lyor Boone (Paul Costanzo) to finally do what it takes to get rid of any personal conflict he hid from them such as his allegedly Vegas wedding sort of a "joke"  and not really an important part of his life. However for Emily he was just helping Lyor,  not to pay for 826,000+ (monies) he owed from whatever instigation/litigation from the "Vegas bride." IF. Really? Do you think Emily is one of those women who are ambitious enough to be at the seat of power and Lyor is a hindrance to that ambition? Remember one of the female employees at the White House also was trying to lure him for that broken vase worth $2 Million dollars. All is forgotten if Lyor will provide  the dinner date for the two of them. Darn women! Temptations! Huh!? Weird! Strange offer from a woman. Who broke the million dollar vase? I think it's the President's daughter. Then the new news reporter who is eyeing Lyor for some interrogating news. Lyor just whisked her out by not even looking at her nor his eyes of attention at her presence. That's right, beware! if you work in the highest office of the land beware of predators. Beware of any sexual harassment. Tsk! Tsk! Lyor Boone being an innocent young man whose occupation and intelligence made him the trusted employee at the White House. I don't know where the script story is going. I think Emily has "no partner to conspire" in the White House because her first affair was halt and her storyline was limited because I don't think it's good for the President of the White House who are already bombarded with personal family problems and conflicted terrorism acts and the violence that keep haunting them since the bomb exploded in DC, leaving the only designated survivor to keep the White House standing is  the lowest member of the House, Mr. Kirkman (his occupation/position deals with HOUSING before the President and the Cabinet members were all victimized by the deadly explosion). That too was fishy eh?

He is the designated survivor to provide housing for the homeless. With all the problems at the White House I think Pres. Kirkman would rather live inside the tent!

When sometimes people cannot understand why they are voted, elected and what's really their job description, you have to remind them about their JOB.

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