With modern technology within grasp of almost everyone rich or poor who wont be transparent? I mean everyone wants to be heard and seen even if they are politicians, carpenters, house-builders, farmers, doctors, cooks, lowly workers, employed, unemployed NOBODY WANTS TO BE LEFT BEHIND. Even the community priests, monks, and the POPE uses the modern technology now.
Why stop anybody from tweeting? If they have the money to splurge why stop these people from using the modern technology they add up to the economy.
The reason why Presidents, Prime Ministers or Government leaders are not asked to tweet or made their movements known or what they are thinking it's because their THOUGHTS are open for public and they could easily been scrutinized and the political strategists are having problems about so many conflicts they have to solve. It's chaotic. The defense budget is running thin and low. However, if the budget is personal...paid by the government leaders then who are we to stop them. They probably PAY for their own tweet and they probably pay for their internet connection.
You should own the MEDIA. You should own a TV NETWORK. A billionaire can own its own media and TV Network why not use its network for their own strategy. That maybe some politicians can do networking as much as possible, dominating the streamline of news. Thereby they can filter what's needs to be seen and read or heard.
Let say Mark Z. owns Facebook. We don't see him posting his family and the circle and of families and clan at Facebook. Unlike other Facebook users everyone, every member of his or her family are posted in their albums. Mark Z. is still a private person. Nobody knows his family and clan. That sometimes it makes me wonder. How about you, are you not curious? Mark posted photos of his wife and children and dog Beast but we don't see much photos of him with his entire family and clan. But too many trusted Facebook and they are hooked on Facebook to post their family's photos and day to day happenings and events. It's becoming a Genealogy book or Family Tree.
At Google? We don't know who Sergey Brin? He is one of the founder of Google but we don't really know his family and clan. He doesn't post photos in the internet. There are few photos of him actually but how old is he now? What he posted (photos) are when he was very young.
You know everyone in the Trump Family including extended families. You know all the Bush family and clan because they are into transparency. You also know the Trudeau's family since PM Pierre Trudeau's reign in Canada. All politicians who are serving the people and serving their countries their families and clan are out in the open. They should be transparent.
It's becoming a blind trust using computers, cellphones and other electronic gadgets when we posted our entire family and clan's photo-memories, our family's stories. We put our trust in the modern technology that it will take care of us and we wont be left behind. We put our trust in modern technology that runs the machinery of GOVERNMENT that is for the people, of the people, by the people will TAKE CARE OF US because WE ARE THE PEOPLE.
Just as what Pres. George Bush said " No one should be left behind." That's his legacy.
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