Thursday, May 18, 2017

Go K or Chowking?

What happened in QUANTICO last Monday? The FBI Agents are recruiting new applicants and they interviewed so many yet only few passed the rigid tough interviews. The interviewers were Parrish, Booth and Shelby asking difficult questions such as what they had gone though their trainings at Quantico and being operatives.

If you have watched the very first episode who wants training such as what Parrish and Booth had endured? Parrish is really tough, remember she is a natural killer. She killed her own father. She knew already how to shoot or use a gun. Ryan Booth was a soldier once joined the Armed Forces in the Middle East so he knew already what could be the job. The rest of the new recruits do not know what else they have to be trained with such as deception, being in the field of anonymous  terrorists within their own circle. They were also trained to be players and  prostitutes. It would be hard to distinguished who are real prosti because they are so great in their deception. Others committed suicides, rather than be a part of the cult.  Not a good job really. It only protect the people who are paying their wages. In DESIGNATED SURVIVOR, Hanna Wells worked for the President Kirkman, she's paid by the President to do the work.

Who wants to be FBI Agent if that's the kind of job they have to do? Weird right? They are trained to kill not to argue or reason out but follow orders. Truth be told if the work of FBI is what we are watching on TV movies and series do we have reasons to be afraid?

That's why I think we just need robots without conscience. LOL Hello iRobot!
Humans are not supposed to wipe out civilizations.

BLINDSPOT.  Episode: Lepers Repel? WTH is that? Shepard has the order to cause damage in Washington DC but abruptly stopped by Jane and Kurt Weller. Shepard undergoes another brainwashing and Roman escaped because Jane didn't kill her brother. Wow! Would you like Jane better than Parrish? Not too many brainwashing and injections and alterations could make Jane kill her own family. It's a choice! Humans have brains in their mind. You can think and you can reason out. If you don't like what your superior try to impose duties on you then QUIT.

Remember what happened in Vietnam war? Read Psychology Book by Atkinson and there's that interview by Higher Authority on how these soldiers were asked on how and why they have to resort to mass killings. Everyone mentioned about the "gook" whom the order is to find the "gook" and follow the order of what to do with the "gook."

What "gook" is anyway? Is that a code? What "gook" got to do with it? Here's my own opinion to whatever happened during that war. Both sides have problems with communication. The worse communications ever!

MARVEL AGENT OF S.H.I.E.L.D.S Latest Episode, Aida the once android became part human part freak must end her reign for trying to overthrown the original cast then the evil demonic fireblasting human skeletor whoever he is helped Agents of SHIELDS, took the Black Evil Book to hell. End of Aida.

Too many millions can read and write now. There are millions of educated people on planet earth and there are billions of people who can understand the universal language which is ENGLISH that is impossible to repeat what happened during World War I, II, Korean and Vietnam war. I hope that everyone can understand the value of human lives and everyone wont wage war against their neighbors.

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