Sunday, February 26, 2017

Am I Into La La Land Again?

It's all LA LA LAND I've been hearing from Ben Mulroney and from the cast of ETALK. Uhm, I wonder. Did they all watch all the movies competing for the awards so that it is fair for the nominated actors and actresses or just because they are close friends of whom they favored?

THE OSCARS AWARDS judges who are they? I don't know. It wont be members of the foreign press who will vote and will give awards.

How you can influence the outcome? Showbizlandia can influence the outcome and so as the MEDIA. Maybe, maybe not!

LA LA LAND movie is very popular because Emma Stone seems blooming nowadays and she knows how to model her clothes in style. She's a changed woman! What's the secret? She looks more stunning, glamorous and younger this time around. She looked older in previous movies she made before. I mean, based on EASY A and ZOMBIELAND. The new Emma Stone is quite interesting on how she looks so blooming, full of life and maybe she's in love or what? What could be? Ah, she should make a remake of "Benjamin Button version." Is La La Land an old movie of her with Ryan Gosling? Because they both look younger in this movie compared with their previous movies before. No pun intended. I am just curious of their "youthfulness" in this movie.

I haven't seen some of the movies nominated for THE OSCARS so I don't have much to say on who will win or who will lose. I wish for the best.

Anyway, THE WALKING DEAD must continue it's apocalyptic drama, action and suspense mystery series.

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