Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Escape From Troubles

 My first time to watch the epic movie REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE. A JAMES DEAN movie. It was an old movie of the most handsome young Hollywood actor named James Dean. And why a very handsome man is always into trouble?

The story of a young, pretty boy who was admired by many young boys his age not because of his good looks but that's a plus. He probably has that charm and charisma that females love to be involved with and a "leader quality" that the young boy admires in him. The "rebel quality that a man can lead his flocks anywhere, everywhere and what could they end up to."

In this movie, James Dean managed to escape from all the troubles, not being beaten by those thugs with knives because he always keep saying he is  not into trouble and doesn't want to cause trouble and most of all he knows how to fight.

 A scene before the fatal race, the young boy admires James Dean as "Stark"  like crazy and so as the girl Natalie Wood.
A confrontation with his parents after the fatal race that he was involved and doesn't know how to explain to his parents the trouble which he is not at fault. It is not his fault when somebody wants to commit suicide. That's all! How this movie becomes complicated is because of how its being directed to provide a long story to make it complicated.

How many movies were made to make this movie resurrected once and for all? Well, FOOTLOOSE had it. Teenagers do some troublesome acts that lead to horrendous route when they can solve it right away. But you know it's made for movies and the longer the story it's better for viewers.

I know what you did last summer...you know that it wont be that complicated when somebody from the group have it that they don't need to hide. Whatever!

JAMES DEAN been copied most of the time and REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE been copied and repeated by famous showbiz teens.

JUSTIN's (Bieber) been followed by paparazzi and he's becoming like James Dean.

If James Dean's alive today, who he has resemblance with?

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