Monday, October 3, 2016

FEAR TWD: Two hour episode last night (NORTH)

It was a marathon of FEAR The walking Dead yesterday from 8 am to 8pm  then Talking Dead followed then again FEAR The Walking Dead was broadcasted again for everyone to watch at AMC Channel. This is the most intense episode simply because it's "season finale." In this episode, Travis lose his control when he found out that Christopher died. He first listened to the story of those two bad dudes who were a bad influence to his son. Christopher demised was due to reckless driving or because he is not an experienced driver and it is his first time to drive? Who knows? The two bad guys are probably lying. They are murderer, without remorse and they could be lying to death. However, Lorenzo (Chris) and Alycia including Robert Kirkman (author or TWD and Fear TWD) were interviewed at TALKING DEAD by Chris Hadwick and Chris was shown again in a truck out of control and flipped half dozen times. Of course the "accident scene" was done by a well experienced stunt man.
Some fans who called up told that Chris's character is becoming evil and bad influence to all kids around the world and that's what you get from being a bad, bad dude. Dudes, it's just a television series. It calls for the story. Look at innocent Alycia whose character is being played also to become a zombie slayer and her grip holding a flippable knife is awesome. lol. Who knows what will happen in next season of "Fear TWD." Do you think she will be the next Milla Jovovich? Whatever! Madison will always be Madison and her strength as the matriach of the family will be stronger as ever. She wont stop looking for Nick who was with his gf and the people of Colonia as they escaped from the group of armed goons but unfortunately been attacked by zombies and Nick's group attacked by the border patrols. Who died and who will survive it's really up to the writer of this zombie-apocalypse popular TV series.

Or millions of fans decide who wins, survive or let go out of the series? I don't know. Ask Robert Kirkman. It could be the decision (ballot box) of all the cast of such series. ?

For the fans of Lorenzo or Chris, he can be seen on MARVEL Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.S.

Waiting for THE WALKING DEAD series? Who Negan killed?

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