You went to an exotic country and the first thing you want to see is the place that is truly majestic and extra ordinary. It's right there on the mountainous valley where acres upon acres of tea plantation is located. Lush greeneries, so beautiful providing calming effect because of its glorious colors. Then you get hungry, real hungry only to be terrified that the only food available in one small local restaurant is snakes. Mind you, its not only an ordinary snake...the most venomous snake they have for delicacy in that restaurant are cobra. Live cobra are put into the outdoor grill and you can choose your sauce whether spicy vinegar or soy sauce to add zest to that unique food. Yuck! What will you do? Is there any other food in that area? Oh there are chicken maybe because there are so much eggs to boil in the nearby boiling hot spring just adjacent to the smoking volcano. No wonder there are so many Balinese dancers instead, even male dancers are accepted simply there is not much work for men. Uhm, that area where they gathered tea seems a nice place to work until you find out that there are so many snakes crawling underneath the bushes. The hazards. There's no perfect source of employment. But looking at the almost perfect view with the waterfalls and cascading water? Wow! That area could be a great site for spa and relaxation resort. It was the PIT STOP of the Amazing Race hosted by Phil Keoughan.
The location reminded me of a Mel Gibson's movie. Know what? They should also grow coffee tree. At least I know that java originally an Indonesian trade mark makes the difference including their famous classic batik fabric.
I had a conversation with my Father and he told me that the only profitable business nowadays are certainly those that cater about food. With billions of people and the population continue to grow scarcity in food is very evident. Thank goodness the food here in Canada remain affordable and without tax if ever unaffordable and taxable we all should have our own vegetable garden and fruit trees around our homes. Fill the yard with edible plants. Green revolution should be revived once again in Philippines, and other parts of the world.
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