Monday, March 18, 2013

What??????? The Canadian PM is so fed up that there are few skilled workers out there. Really? How can you have so much skilled workers when your budget is low? Your standard is so high but you would rather take other workers from other countries outside Canada. Canadians are not dumb!

There are so many SKILLED WORKERS here in Canada! With the closing of so many pulp mills around BC all those hundred thousand of employment vanished. What happened to those skilled workers? They were asked to update their skills and education to be globally capable of who they are skilled and competitive. They are already skilled and because of their skills unmatched by other workers from other countries in the world, their compensation increased. Highly skilled workers with higher education and higher level of knowledge and background may have to ask for what they have gained. You cannot fool those educated workers anymore. If they sit on their arse it's because first and foremost the jobs that required so much skills required greater need of insurance. Let's face it it's time to get to the bargaining table once again. Just my opinion.

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