Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The news about the combined CareCard and Driver's license was only viewed thr. the internet and today local newspaper had it featured for people in Canada to know. Or maybe I am the last to know. Ha! Okay that's hilarious. But I think that idea is from the old idea from Hong Kong where Citizen Bank ATM card holder have identification photograph which is kind of the first time in the banking system during the Desert Storm era. I also remember that Hong Kong's the first to introduce the mobile handheld phone or the first cellular phone and the laser disc instead of betamax. Yeah when everyone's  using the old betamax people in Hong Kong had the laser disc already in 1990. Laser disc only was introduced in Canada after year 2000. Cellphone was introduced in Canada in year 1993.

Then I was surprised to find out that laser disc was actually introduced long time ago, hundred years ago and it was made of imperial jade. So, everything in this world is actually not new discovery or new invention but a new version and re-invention of the old ones.

Boring?! Now you know why the stupid question in Miss Universe contest asked the same kind of question, "if you'll be born again in another life who would you rather be and why?" same question every year the host and or judges asked this absurd, nonsense question...its because the organization believes that life on earth is repeated in a very mysterious way.

Highlander? Well highlander has a different story. That very handsome highlander man doesn't die, he lives forever. The earth grows so old and get rotten including the many people around him and he > the leading character stays young and stronger forever. That's unfair right? The movie should focus on women who never grow old instead. What a super feminist movie. lol

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