Do you love watching food network or those chefs who tried in each and every way to impress us with their expertise in cooking gourmet food?
Well I do love watching their crafts. You learn so much from them in their style of presenting how simple meals can be better elaborately cooked and presented to be almost perfect. But know what? If you are shocked on how Chef Ramsey showed his earnest in his battle with wits and helluviah one hell of a kind stormy hell kitchen with neophytes then watch him being sober when he's at Masterchef. He's with two other chefs tasting the food cooked by some of the would be masterchef whose occupation are varied and who would think they will be a "cook." But you know everything is always been a practice and training on the job. That's what it takes.
Our parents are not meant to be chef of the house because they have their other duties and obligations aside from having their day job in professional manner working for a company they signed in. Cooking at home needs no professional help if it's a family meal you have to prepare and cook. Having a restaurant is a different matter.
So what's the issue here at Masterchef TV presentation? It's more like a culinary school where the apprentice have to tackle trivia, making new recipe, problem solving and way to eliminate other apprentice so that they can boost their own morale and be the only remaining chef at the end of the show. They are to be presented with rare unique kind of main ingredients and it's up for them to prepare and cook one delicious meal for the three judges to taste and have on the spot reviews and comments. In all these situations you as a television viewer can observe and identify who should go home and remain to compete. Who seems to be knowledgeable and who has expertise in cooking? Who can tackle obstacles and pressures without so much problems and most of all who amongst them try to eliminate themselves so that they can go home earlier than the rest of the cast of characters? Who are more enthusiastic and willing to learn for the sake of learning the way of the Masterchef?
Obviously, I can identify those signs. However, I wont reveal that to you. Let say there are fast learners and there are slow learners and most of all there are students who learned the hard way and willing to stay for the challenge and the competition it gives to their status. Others just run out of luck or their luck is not there but in another competition. It's more like tactical to practical.
Amazing? But we all have to move on. Opportunity is given to those who would like to exert effort in a way that is more than pleasing to that person. It's a mind thinking that at first start when you feel you are feeling left behind or the situation doesn't suit you then it's to move on another level and try something else. Never try to stay on something that keeps dragging you or tiring you down. Remember the DESIDERATA okay?
Food Galore? Oh my! You love going to restaurants? Or would you prefer the fast food? Men love fast food delivery or take out. They are happy with just pizza or hamburgers and french fries. Some people love the lean cuisine and others like food that are not doctored. So much seasoning sometimes spoil the food. For those with ailments and allergy there are so many DON'TS.
Have you been to the finest restaurants in your local community when you are served with fresh dandelion leaves to eat? That's fresh vegetable salad? Dude are you out of your mind? Even deer and other animals don't eat them. They are not veggies. It's not edible! Those dandelion leaves have tiny thorny spikes that can damage to your throat what will happen if you have that in your stomach?
What happened if you are served with a different kind of fish instead of what you ordered let say "halibut?" You ordered halibut and you were served with cod fish!!!!! Did you know that cod fish is sometimes fatal for those who have cod. allergy? Besides the ones eating halibut knows very well the "taste of halibut" from that other kind of fish. I should have sued that waiter and waitress that day I have to suffer from the change of fish I ordered. I could have sued the whole company, the restaurant!!!!!! Well those "face" I wont forget. They are killers!
That's why it's important for the restaurant owners to have a "meeting" with their chef, line cooks, bartenders, dishwashers, waitress and waiters. In big company the masterchef or owners time and time again have to send their workers for FOODSAFE training and testing. Or other company hired those with certificate on Foodsafe. It's better that way for our own security and safety.
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