Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Something Very mysterious Out There

One of my husband's client phoned long distance from India. Turned out that the memorial and burial of their deceased mom will be in their native land in India. Why there when there is a burial site here in Canada? That I don't want to ask.

Maybe since the mother was born and raised in India that where she needs to be buried. Old custom and religious rite that any Indian family would like to have based on their will.

Even Filipinos I think have the same kind of wish that when they die they would rather be in a place where they were born. Born to be alive.

How spiritual are you? Do you believe in life after death?

I would believe in such thing as TCM, ESP, and yes the so called REINCARNATION. We all want to be born again. While the Born Again Christians have different view of being born again.

What others have in mind is the life and death then live again. Imagine yourself who died and then you came back to life. Hard to comprehend right? Probably you'll think about the Bible story of Lazarus who was dead for so many days then here comes Jesus to the rescue and told Lazarus to wake up from his "sleep." He was dead already. And then he wake up from that deep sleep. Uhm....do you know what happened after that?

That part of the Bible is what we need to know.

Then it happened to Jesus Christ too. After he was crucified on the cross, blood flowing from his wound, from his body from all the suffering of being nailed on the cross for two to 3 days and nights then comes Easter Sunday he was found alive by Mary Magdalene.

How that happened? Can a dead person be alive after being dead?

And that's the very mysterious ways about God and being God. Being Jesus the son of God you think God the Father would like his precious son dead? Of course not!

I think it's more of a superhuman entity like ALIENS or something. Or like combination of SUPERMAN and super human beings with the power to heal their own body against pain done by earthlings.

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