Thursday, September 30, 2010


With 250 students graduating from High School at TSS the required amount to be raised is up to C$40,000!
That's a lot of money.

250 STUDENTS X  $160.00 / Student's contribution = C$40,000

Rich parents have no problem giving their son or daughter the amount of  C$160.00 however for the low income families that amount is too big to be a burden because it doesn't include the formal attire (coat and tie or tuxedo for male, party nite gowns for female)  they have to wear at the Graduation ceremony plus the many miscellaneous they need to pay for etc.

However for every problem there are so many solutions such as:


1. Garage sale
2. Selling christmas trees and pots of ponsettias
3. Selling tickets for a party (Barbecue party or Pizza party, Halloween party, Christmas party)
4. Car washing
5. Craft sale
6. Find employment or OJT (On the Job Training with pay)
7. Cutting grass
8. Selling lemonades, burgers and hotdog
9. Selling T-shirts with beautifully designed prints
10. Selling handmade bags  and purse
11. Bake sale
12. Recycling of empty bottles and cans
13. Sell scented candles
14. Blog your stories at Blogger and monetize them.

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