Are you really following the COVID-19 RULES & PROTOCOLS?
The long pandemic of COVID-19 is almost 2 years. Almost. There are least 100 - 500 MILLIONS OF PEOPLE who followed social distancing, wearing face masks and the isolation and quarantine, until they are no longer working or unemployed. The long pandemic had that nuisance of mega-unemployment, economic and political upheaval, volatile stock market plunging every now and then, and made billions of unhappy people very UNHAPPY and FRUSTRATED.
2 METERS distance from each other when outside in public with other people. No hugging and kissing. Leading married couples seeking separation and divorce. It was a chaotic, lonely planet.
However, due to the restrictions that are too "restricted" and harsh some of the violators are known to be "those people who are working as government servants." Some of them actually were caught going on vacation in other country(ies) and some of them in staycation far away from the prying eyes of the media. You wont get caught unless you want to be caught.
Hey, ADAM & EVE disappointed GOD as recorded their crime and original sin in the HOLY BIBLE. What can you expect from unholy, imperfect humans? EVE was taken from the rib of Adam. Is it literally rib or ribosome? Turning a male into female? They are both male and Eve was taken out of context to become female? Why? Adam & Eve have offsprings Cain and Abel who were imperfect humans too. Cain killed Abel. They are brothers and to think that they would love each other because they are the first born out from the Garden of Eden and GOD the everlasting, almighty God can talk to them and they can hear Him talk and yet Adam and Eve disobeyed Him. It's the tree of LIFE and the tree of KNOWLEDGE OF THE LAW OF LIFE > KNOWLEDGE OF THE GOOD & EVIL the cause of their demise from the Garden owned by GOD. How can you not want it? If the serpent who asked that the "apple (the forbidden fruit) symbolizes that when eaten can lead to the knowledge that God has against them. Is it? Can you really live for ever? Would you like to live for ever and ever? You wont die. Wow! It would be nice to live for ever and not grow old and be smart and be happy forever. Adam & Eve lived up to 900 years of age.
Anyway, what could be the side effects of the COVID-19 VACCINES aside from allergy, blood clots? Sexual drives? Pfizer is known for the production of the most potent VIAGRA, so maybe there is that part of the vaccine that could add libido or that could lead to extra sexual activity? That the infertile can become fertile? I don't know. If the guinea pigs or lab rats acting up differently from the laboratory where they experiment then it would have the same effect on humans.
By the way, VIAGRA was made and produced as meds for heart ailment. Nobody knows the side effect could lead to men being happy with their sexuality until they tried taking the pills.